Hello David,
On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 10:07:17AM -0400, David Prévot wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 10:54:39AM +0100, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:
> > All my packages contain (additional, not
> > upstreamable) content which is set up for po4a-translation and I really
> > would like them to gather more translations. For this, it has to be
> > visible on those statistic pages.
> You can also use podebconf-report-po in order to ask for translation
> (update).

Of course, when it is my package and I can do it once or after a major
update. But at least several translators on the German team regular
look on those Debian listings to check whats still open. I assume that
other teams work in a similar fashion. Material not present there is
invisible. This even more so if at the time of the call of translation
resource in the team are unavailable and the translation slips through
(or in the opposite: At some time a translator has spare time; I
believe many translators check the Debian listings and not the archive
of debian-i18n).

> > (And I can name a few more packages
> > where I just discovered by chance that they are available for
> > translation).
> Please do name them: the only one we are aware of with this bug report
> is goobox. Are all these translations handled in a debian/manpage/
> directory, or are there various path around?

Sure. The source for cups contains several (man pages, some locale
like data). Or the asclock man page translation. Or the linuxinfo man
page translation. Or the sgt-puzzles translation. 

> > So it would be great if you could either document the requirements for
> > inclusion (so that I can fix at least my packages)
> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=debian-l10n/dl10n.git;a=blob;f=dl10n-check;h=40c481114d56d4b27480604d5752b89c5e675b53;hb=HEAD#l999

This is not easy to read (I know posix regular expressions) so it
would be kind to document it more verbosly somewhere on the web,
preferably on the web page mentioned at the beginning of this bug

If I understand that correctly[1], the file name must have a path
component matching exactly (?) doc|man|po4a|pod

This would explain at least some occurences. For example, in asclock I
used "debian/manpage/"; cups uses "debian/po4-manpages/". I believe
the above list is rather restrictive. Why not search for *po4a* and
"*man*" as well? On the other hand, I'm rather suprised to find "pod"
and the very generic "doc" in this list.

> > or -- which would
> > be better -- improve the inclusion heuristic to get more packages
> > listed, including but not limited to mine.
> po4a-handle translations are currently only looked for in the upstream
> part of the package. This behaviour can be changed, but some
> enlightenment would be welcome in order to know where to look for them.

Ok, this should be definitly handled. Because many translations I
maintain start out as debian specific and (hopefully) once they get
enough momentum are accepted upstream. In fact, all I remember off
hand for my translation work are of this kind. And I believe those
should even be preferred: Because if upstream alreay has a translation
infrastruture he is more likely to have translators at hand as well
and including Debian in the loop might cause some friction (e.g. for
copyright assignment as seen with Ubuntu).

Thanks for taking care of this bug, hopefully we can resolve it early
in Jessi so that l10n team can pick up even more packages (oh, I'm not
looking explicitly at another team in middle Europe ;-)).


      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     deb...@helgefjell.de
           Dipl.-Phys.                   http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
        64bit GNU powered                     gpg signed mail preferred
           Help keep free software "libre": http://www.ffii.de/

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