I'd experienced such situation in opera web browser.there's a temporary way to 
solve this problem,replace the font file with the font file which included 
Chinese characters.and you can try to find the options related to charset and 
font.I've never used evolution .:)

-----Original Message-----

From: CHEN Xing
Sent: 2 Apr 2013 07:50:24 GMT
To: dpars...@debian.org
Subject: Re: 答复: evolution: chinese text with standard font is illegibly 

Can you please attach a screen shot for the problem you're reporting?

I believe you're right that such display problems have nothing to do
with encoding (gbk/gb2312/utf-8).

I'm not using Debian now, but I believe
/etc/fonts/conf.d/65-nonlatin.conf is generally the right file to look
at. Try to move WenQuanYi Zen Hei (or WenQuanYi Micro Hei) to the
front of the list of "preferred" alternatives for "serif" and
"sans-serif" fonts.

CHEN Xing / 陈醒

2013/4/1 Drew Parsons <dpars...@debian.org>:
> 谢谢。我学习汉语,因为不会看都你们的文本。还是有意思,Google的翻译好。
> For the non-Chinese speakers, Luo Yong translated my question, and
> HeChi-Lau replied that the fallback mechanism for the font must be
> failing for Chinese characters.
> (my Chinese is not actually good enough to read their writing, but I was
> curious to see that Google Translate could actually do a good job here).
> HeChi-Lau's comment about the fallback mechanism does sound right.  That
> probably makes the bug a matter of Internationalisation (ok, i18n)
> rather than a specific bug in evolution (if it were related to
> evolution, it would be more in the gtk or pango libraries anyway, I
> guess).
> Looking at the fonts using the Gnome Character Map, Cantarell (Gnome
> default font),  Sans (Gnome Document font) and Monospace (Gnome
> monospace font) all show CJK characters in the "CJK Unified Ideographs"
> block, evidently proper OpenType (i.e. clean resolution, not bitmapped).
> But that may not be proof that that the fonts themselves have the
> characters, since the appearance of the CJK characters in the Gnome
> Character Map does not change between these fonts.
> It seems, then, that Gnome Character Map satisfactorily performs font
> fallback, while evolution does not.
> If I copy the Chinese text I wrote above into LibreOffice, it
> automatically gets assigned the "WenQuanYi Zen Hei" font.  I suspect
> this must be the fallback font which Gnome Character Map uses.  Oddly,
> LibreOffice does not offer me a "Sans" or "Monospace" font. If I assign
> them manually, or assign Cantarell, the appearance of the Chinese text
> does not change (the same fallback font must still be used in
> LibreOffice).
> By these tests, it is evolution which has the bug.
> Are there other ways to test character fallback in the fonts?
> 中人们,用Gnome Character Map和用LibreOffice,我的汉子是好。只用
> evolution不好。
> HeChi-Lau,怎么考fallback?
> 谢谢,thanks,
> Drew
> On Tue, 2013-04-02 at 13:47 +0800, HeChi-Lau wrote:
>> 可能是字体设置不正确,导致使用了fallback字体。检查字体设置,确保是有中文字符的字符集。
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: luo.yong.n...@gmail.com
>> Sent: 2 Apr 2013 03:56:59 GMT
>> To: 
>> dpars...@debian.org,debian-i18n@lists.debian.org,pkg-evolution-maintain...@lists.alioth.debian.org,debian-chinese...@lists.debian.org
>> Subject: 答复: evolution: chinese text with standard font is illegibly 
>> pixelated
>> 谁能帮这位解决一下?evolution里面字体显示非常粗糙(我怀疑用了点阵字体),但是浏览器里的字体显示就非常好,我也不知道是字体的问题还是邮件本身的问题
>> 从我的 Blackberry® 无线手持设备发送
> --
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