Quoting Pierre Slamich (pierre.slam...@gmail.com):

(CC'ing you in case you're not subscribed to the list)

> We're looking for a DDTP point of contact to contribute those back and
> perhaps set up mechanisms to contribute them back on a regular basis (we're
> translating several hundreds each week in French).

And I always wonder where translators are going..:-)(I should not
wonder indeed, I know the answer in advance).

The classic answer would be "but why not contribute these from the
beginning in the place they belong --> upstream, so directly in the

Unfortunately, this answer doesn't work.

So, well, let's assume that translation quality is here. I can have
doubts about this : when I was doing some DDTP work, I always found
that several French translators, and that's not specific to Ubuntu of
course, tend to contribute quite bad translations : full of geek
jargon, bad constructions, "spoken French" instead of the written
form, etc, etc.

As French requires more than word for word translation in order to
have a decent result that doesn't look like something written by a
kid, I am some how skeptic. But, again, let's be positive and assume
this work is good quality one.

I think that you need to find a way to automate this, in some way. And
I'm afraid that someone has to do the job....and, no, we don't have
much documentation about that.

Some teams are doing automated work with the DDTP : they might be able
to help you out, here. 

Still, even assuming that you succeed in automating this to have
translations sent....as translations (why suggestions? If there is no
translation yet, at least, this work could be the start of it). I'm
afraid we will then lack people to review all this...but we can
try...and if, after a few dozens, we feel that quality is fine, we
could lower the number of needed reviews for French.

But all this automation requires some hacking and, here, I can bet
you're on you own....

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