Hi Nick
don't you already have a Danish translation for this (and a lot of others). * #693259 [w|+| ] [kismet] [INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates kismet Reported by: Joe Dalton <joedalt...@yahoo.dk>; Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 20:51:01 UTC; Severity: wishlist; Tags: l10n, patch; Filed 24 days ago; Modified 24 days ago; * #693708 [w|+| ] [kismet] kismet: [INTL:ru] Russian debconf templates translation Reported by: Yuri Kozlov <yu...@komyakino.ru>; Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 15:15:01 UTC; Severity: wishlist; Tags: l10n, patch;Found in version 2011.03.R2-1; Filed 20 days ago; Modified 20 days ago; * #693737 [w|+| ] [kismet] kismet: [INTL:it] Italian translation of debconf messages - kismet Reported by: Beatrice Torracca <beatri...@libero.it>; Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 20:24:01 UTC; Severity: wishlist; Tags: l10n, patch; Filed 20 days ago; Modified 20 days ago; * #693836 [w|+| ] [kismet] kismet: [INTL:de] Initial German debconf translation Reported by: Chris Leick <c.le...@vollbio.de>; Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2012 20:27:02 UTC; Severity: wishlist; Tags: l10n, patch;Found in version 2011.03R2-1; Filed 18 days ago; Modified 18 days ago; * #693943 [w|+| ] [kismet] kismet: [INTL:gl] Galician debconf templates translation Reported by: Jorge Barreiro <yortx.ba...@gmail.com>; Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 00:09:01 UTC; Severity: wishlist; Tags: l10n, patch;Found in version 2008-05-R1-4.3+b2; Filed 17 days ago; Modified 17 days ago; * #693955 [w|+| ] [kismet] kismet: French debconf templates translation Reported by: Steve Petruzzello <dl...@bluewin.ch>; Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 07:51:01 UTC; Severity: wishlist; Tags: l10n, patch;Found in version kismet/2008-05-R1-4.3; Filed 17 days ago; Modified 17 days ago; * #694110 [w|+| ] [kismet] [INTL:pl] Polish debconf translation Reported by: "Michał Kułach" <michalkul...@gmail.com>; Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 23:36:02 UTC; Severity: wishlist; Tags: l10n, patch; Filed 15 days ago; Modified 15 days ago; * #694787 [w|+| ] [kismet] [l10n:cs] Initial Czech translation of PO debconf template for kismet 2011.03.R2-1 bye Joe Danish ________________________________ Fra: Nick Andrik <nick.and...@gmail.com> Til: Debian Internationalization <debian-i18n@lists.debian.org> Sendt: 0:49 søndag den 9. december 2012 Emne: kismet 2011.03.R2-1: Please translate debconf PO for the package kismet Dear Debian I18N people, I would like to know if some of you would be interested in translating kismet. kismet already includes ja.po So do not translate it to these languages (the translators will be contacted separately). language translated fuzzy untranslated ----------------------------------------------------- Please send the updated file to me, or submit it as a wishlist bug against kismet. The deadline for receiving the updated translation is Fri, 20 Dec 2012 03:19:40 +0100. If you have read so far, please find the POT file in attachment. Thanks in advance, Nick