In my previous message I attached the old version of the file.
I send the updated version.

Best regards,


2012/11/13 Nick Andrik <>:
> Dear Debian I18N people,
> After the review (and updates) in the debian-l10n-english list, I
> re-attach the templates and I kindly ask you to provide any
> translations for kismet.
> You may find the pot file attached.
> Best regards,
> Nick
> --
> =Do-
> 2012/11/6 Christian PERRIER <>:
>> Quoting Nick Andrik (
>>> Dear Debian I18N people,
>>> I would like to know if some of you would be interested in translating
>>> kismet.
>> I think that these debconf templates first need a review by the
>> debian-l10n-english team. Such "Should <foo> be installed setuid root?"
>> templates are usually full of jargon and these ones are no exception
>> to this..:-)
>> So, really, you should first ask for a review. The best is by sending
>> the original templates file (not the POT file) to
>> While you're at it, you can also
>> ask for a review of the package description (debian/control).

Attachment: templates.pot
Description: Binary data

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