Quoting Martin Eberhard Schauer (martin.e.scha...@gmx.de):
> Hi,
> recently I filed a bug on a package description and - as usual -
> got a comment from debian-l10n-english.
> >Now, I can see how a synopsis that does double duty as a description
> >of the software and an explanation of its abbreviated name is going to
> >make life difficult for translators, but that's not enough of a reason
> >to prohibit it in the original English.  Just translate it as a pure
> >explanation, without any extra uppercase, and demote the why-the-name
> >hint into the long description.  …
> Perhaps this should pop up somewhere in the translators'
> guide(lines)? Did I miss some hint? How do the non-German
> translations teams handle this problem?

I would go for what Justin suggests: keep English in the synopsis and,
if I feel it's  needed, develop in the loong description.

In the example used by Justin (yarn), I wouldn't even try totranslate
"Yet Another Reader for News" oratleast not that literally.

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