Hi Holger,

Le 09/06/2012 08:16, Holger Wansing a écrit :
> -----%<--------------------------------------------------------------
> <toc-add-entry name="wnpp">Work-needing packages</toc-add-entry>
> <wnpp link="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2012/06/msg00273.html";
>       orphaned="455"
>       rfa="150" />
> -----%<--------------------------------------------------------------
> This was used many times already, I know :-)
> but, the head line is not exactly correct, isn't it?
> Strictly spoken, WNPP is
> Work-Needing and Prospective Packages

Sure but the referenced mail (Subject: Work-needing packages report for
Jun 8, 2012) and its content only refer to O (orphaned), RFA (request
for adoption) and RFH (request for help). There is no mention of
prospective packages, aka RFP (request for packaging) and ITP (intent to
package), so this section of the DPN is only about work-needing packages.

Anyway, besides the metadata (anchor and linked pages), there is no
mention of “WNPP” at all ;-).



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