Quoting Ian Jackson (ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk):

> > In case you can't update your package, I hereby propose, as part of
> > a more general action of the Debian i18n Task Force to build and
> > possibly upload a non-maintainer upload for xfonts-traditional in
> > order to fix this as well as all pending translations for the
> > debconf templates.
> I have no objection to this NMU, provided that you don't change the
> English texts.
> If I wish to take some but not all of the changes suggested by the
> English l10n review, what is the deadline by which I should make and
> upload those changes to avoid disrupting translations ?

Sigh. I thought we had converged about the English texts, at least for
the debconf templates. So, I based the call for translations on the
texts of templates which is the final one in the review bug report.

So, if *for debconf templates*, you take only some changes, I suggest

- update the *.templates file as you would like them to be
- pick the PO files *as they are* in my final summary in the review
bug report
- run debconf-updatepo. That will resync translations with English
- check what changed in the translations. If some English texts
changed from the texts they were based on, you should see "fuzzy" or
"untranslated string".
  cd debian/po
  for i in *po; do msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics $i ; done

If translations are not complete, then another translation update
round is needed. Here, podebconf-update-po(1) is your friend (or /me
even if I'll feel like I'm doing the job twice).

Of course, if things you want to cherrypick are in debian/control
only, they don't affect translations and you should just pick PO files
from my summary mail (better doing that than grabbing them from
translation bug reports as I reformat all PO files
consistently)....and don't need to issue a call for translation updates

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