Hi all, the draft for the patent policy announcement, kindly written by Stefano Zacchiroli and to be sent on Sunday 19, is now ready: we'd appreciate reviews and translations.
As usual, it can be found on publicity SVN repository or via HTTP at: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/publicity/announcements/en/2012/2012-02-19-patent.wml A really *great* thanks to all reviewers and translators: this week was quite full of press release, but your work is always excellent! I'm particularly happy to note that, thanks to Erik and Norman, we also have German and Spanish translations, in addition to the French one provided by the tireless David and Cédric. Cheers, Francesca -- "Nostra patria è il mondo intero e nostra legge è la libertà ed un pensiero ribelle in cor ci sta." P.Gori
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