Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Would it be possible to restart the review work from the attached
> templates file?

Okay.  I also attach de-garbled versions of the package descriptions,
though I never got any feedback on whether I was deciphering them

> Template: lxc/title
> Type: title
> _Description: Linux Containers: LXC setup
> Template: lxc/auto
> Type: boolean
> Default: true
> _Description: Automatically start Linux Containers on boot?
>  Linux Containers that have their configuration files copied or symlinked
>  to the /etc/lxc/auto directory can be automatically started during system
>  boot, and shut down on reboot or halt.
>  .
>  If unsure, choose yes (default).

To reprise the reasoning: it's not immediately obvious that one of
these passive clauses is something I'm expected to do manually.  And
then "choose yes" is a reference to an interface element that may not
be present.

 _Description: Automatically start Linux Containers on boot?
  Please choose whether Linux Containers configured in /etc/lxc/auto
  should be automatically started during system boot, and shut down on
  reboot or halt.
  To take advantage of this, copy or symlink their configuration files
  into the /etc/lxc/auto directory.

> Template: lxc/shutdown
> Type: select
> Choices: stop, halt
> Default: stop

Those choices should probably be translatable ("__Choices:") - though
it would be hard to find neat equivalents for this pair of synonyms.
Given that even in English we have to explain that the first means
"use /bin/kill" and the second means "use /sbin/halt"(?), why not
avoid the issue by using those command names?

  Choices: kill, halt
  Default: kill

Or... hang on a minute, does the "stop" method perhaps use the
command lxc-stop?  The man page seems to say that can't be used until
after all the processes inside the container have been killed, so
probably not.  It might still be lxc-kill, but if so, the explanation
in the template needs to give a better hint...

> _Description: Linux Container: Stop method

Confused number agreement, bad punctuation.

  _Description: Stop method for Linux Containers

("Stop method" is more or less unavoidable as the cover term, which
is another reason not to use "stop" to mean one particular method.)

>  Linux Containers can be stopped in different ways. The stop method kills
>  all processes inside the container. The halt method initiates a shutdown,
>  which takes longer and can have problems with containers that don't
>  shutdown themselfs properly.
>  .
>  If unsure, choose stop (default).

Most obvious: "shutdown themselfs" should be "shut themselves down",
or just "shut down".

If I'm allowed to change the name of the "stop" option:

   Please choose how Linux Containers should be stopped.
   The "kill" method sends a signal to all processes inside the container.
   The "halt" method initiates a shutdown, which takes longer and can have
   problems with containers that don't shut down properly.

The above is what I'm including in my patch (I'm more or less resigned
to the idea that it'll need to go through more revision stages
anyway), but if I'm not allowed to change the name we're left with
something like:

  _Description: Stop method for Linux Containers
   Please choose how Linux Containers should be stopped.
   The "stop" method kills all processes inside the container. The "halt"
   method initiates a shutdown, which takes longer and can have problems
   with containers that don't shut down properly.

Either way we'll probably need to add comments pointing out exactly
which bits are translatable.

> Template: lxc/directory
> Type: string
> Default: /var/lib/lxc
> _Description: LXC directory:

For consistency:
  _Description: Directory for Linux Containers:
(or maybe the previous one should have been "LXC stop method"?)

>  Please specify the directory that will be used to store the Linux
>  Containers.
>  .
>  If unsure, use /var/lib/lxc (default).

The only problem here is the recurring one that it's not recommended
to tell the reader that the default is the default.  That doesn't
necessarily mean we have to throw the information away, of course:

   Please specify the directory that should be used to store the Linux
   Containers (usually /var/lib/lxc).

JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
Source: lxc
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Daniel Baumann <>
Uploaders: Jonas Genannt <>
 debhelper (>= 8), autotools-dev, docbook-utils, libcap-dev, linux-libc-dev
Standards-Version: 3.9.2

Package: lxc
Architecture: linux-any
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
Recommends: debootstrap | cdebootstrap, libcap2-bin
Conflicts: cgroup-bin
Suggests: lxctl
Description: Linux Containers userspace tools
 Containers are insulated areas inside a system, which have their own
 namespace for file systems, networks, PIDs, IPC, CPUs, and memory
 allocation, and which can be created using the Control Group and Namespace
 features included in the Linux kernel.
 This package provides the lxc-* tools, which can be used to start a single
 daemon in a container, or to boot an entire "containerized" system, and to
 manage and debug your containers.

Package: lxc-dbg
Section: debug
Priority: extra
Architecture: linux-any
 ${misc:Depends}, lxc (= ${binary:Version}), lxc-dev (= ${binary:Version})
Description: Linux Containers userspace tools (debug)
 Containers are insulated areas inside a system, which have their own
 namespace for file systems, networks, PIDs, IPC, CPUs, and memory
 allocation, and which can be created using the Control Group and Namespace
 features included in the Linux kernel.
 This package contains the debugging symbols.

Package: lxc-dev
Section: libdevel
Architecture: linux-any
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, lxc (= ${binary:Version})
Description: Linux Containers userspace tools (development)
 Containers are insulated areas inside a system, which have their own
 namespace for file systems, networks, PIDs, IPC, CPUs, and memory
 allocation, and which can be created using the Control Group and Namespace
 features included in the Linux kernel.
 This package contains the development files.
Template: lxc/title
Type: title
_Description: Linux Containers: LXC setup

Template: lxc/auto
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Automatically start Linux Containers on boot?
 Please choose whether Linux Containers configured in /etc/lxc/auto
 should be automatically started during system boot, and shut down on
 reboot or halt.
 To take advantage of this, copy or symlink their configuration files
 into the /etc/lxc/auto directory.

Template: lxc/shutdown
Type: select
Choices: kill, halt
Default: kill
_Description: Stop method for Linux Containers
 Please choose how Linux Containers should be stopped.
 The "kill" method sends a signal to all processes inside the container.
 The "halt" method initiates a shutdown, which takes longer and can have
 problems with containers that don't shut down properly.

Template: lxc/directory
Type: string
Default: /var/lib/lxc
_Description: Directory for Linux Containers:
 Please specify the directory that should be used to store the Linux
 Containers (usually /var/lib/lxc).
diff -ru lxc-0.7.5.pristine/debian/control lxc-0.7.5/debian/control
--- lxc-0.7.5.pristine/debian/control   2011-12-01 11:09:09.000000000 +0000
+++ lxc-0.7.5/debian/control    2011-12-03 14:22:34.835362070 +0000
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
 Conflicts: cgroup-bin
 Suggests: lxctl
 Description: Linux Containers userspace tools
- Containers are insulated areas inside a system, which have their own namespace
- for filesystem, network, PID, IPC, CPU and memory allocation and which can be
- created using the Control Group and Namespace features included in the Linux
- kernel.
+ Containers are insulated areas inside a system, which have their own
+ namespace for file systems, networks, PIDs, IPC, CPUs, and memory
+ allocation, and which can be created using the Control Group and Namespace
+ features included in the Linux kernel.
  This package provides the lxc-* tools, which can be used to start a single
  daemon in a container, or to boot an entire "containerized" system, and to
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
  ${misc:Depends}, lxc (= ${binary:Version}), lxc-dev (= ${binary:Version})
 Description: Linux Containers userspace tools (debug)
- Containers are insulated areas inside a system, which have their own namespace
- for filesystem, network, PID, IPC, CPU and memory allocation and which can be
- created using the Control Group and Namespace features included in the Linux
- kernel.
+ Containers are insulated areas inside a system, which have their own
+ namespace for file systems, networks, PIDs, IPC, CPUs, and memory
+ allocation, and which can be created using the Control Group and Namespace
+ features included in the Linux kernel.
  This package contains the debugging symbols.
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
 Architecture: linux-any
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, lxc (= ${binary:Version})
 Description: Linux Containers userspace tools (development)
- Containers are insulated areas inside a system, which have their own namespace
- for filesystem, network, PID, IPC, CPU and memory allocation and which can be
- created using the Control Group and Namespace features included in the Linux
- kernel.
+ Containers are insulated areas inside a system, which have their own
+ namespace for file systems, networks, PIDs, IPC, CPUs, and memory
+ allocation, and which can be created using the Control Group and Namespace
+ features included in the Linux kernel.
  This package contains the development files.
diff -ru lxc-0.7.5.pristine/debian/lxc.templates lxc-0.7.5/debian/lxc.templates
--- lxc-0.7.5.pristine/debian/lxc.templates     2011-11-30 05:33:28.000000000 
+++ lxc-0.7.5/debian/lxc.templates      2011-12-03 13:53:47.011362241 +0000
@@ -6,29 +6,27 @@
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
 _Description: Automatically start Linux Containers on boot?
- Linux Containers that have their configuration files copied or symlinked
- to the /etc/lxc/auto directory can be automatically started during system
- boot, and shut down on reboot or halt.
+ Please choose whether Linux Containers configured in /etc/lxc/auto
+ should be automatically started during system boot, and shut down on
+ reboot or halt.
- If unsure, choose yes (default).
+ To take advantage of this, copy or symlink their configuration files
+ into the /etc/lxc/auto directory.
 Template: lxc/shutdown
 Type: select
-Choices: stop, halt
-Default: stop
-_Description: Linux Container: Stop method
- Linux Containers can be stopped in different ways. The stop method kills
- all processes inside the container. The halt method initiates a shutdown,
- which takes longer and can have problems with containers that don't
- shutdown themselfs properly.
+Choices: kill, halt
+Default: kill
+_Description: Stop method for Linux Containers
+ Please choose how Linux Containers should be stopped.
- If unsure, choose stop (default).
+ The "kill" method sends a signal to all processes inside the container.
+ The "halt" method initiates a shutdown, which takes longer and can have
+ problems with containers that don't shut down properly.
 Template: lxc/directory
 Type: string
 Default: /var/lib/lxc
-_Description: LXC directory:
- Please specify the directory that will be used to store the Linux
- Containers.
- .
- If unsure, use /var/lib/lxc (default).
+_Description: Directory for Linux Containers:
+ Please specify the directory that should be used to store the Linux
+ Containers (usually /var/lib/lxc).

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