On 14 July 2011 19:32, Jorge Barreiro <yortx.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is it a robot I can just ask to activate for the Galician language? Or does
> each team maintain its own infrastructure?

You have two options which, actually, can co-exist,

- you can ask the maintainers of the generic robot (at
http://i18n.debian.net/debian-l10n/) to activate galician. Just send
an email to the debian-l10n-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org list, but
probably Christian or other maintainer of that server will read this
list too.

- you can setup your own robot at a server you control. Like the
Spanish team is doing
(http://www.debian-es.org/cgi-bin/l10n.cgi?team=es) or the Catalonian
team (http://ca.debian.net/) are doing.

The second option is more flexible in that you can adjust the robot to
your special needs (if there are) and you can do some (internal)
cleanup of the status when required. For example, the Spanish team's
robot automatically sends the [DONE] messages to the mailing list for
bugs that are fixed in the BTS.

If you need assistance with the second option I could help, the server
the Spanish team is using for the translation robot could be used for
robots for your teams too.

The advantage of having both is that you can fallback to the generic
one if the dedicated one fails (for whatever reason).



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