Turkish (which I wrongly listed as "tz") moved down as I deliberately fuzzied a string, in sublevel 3, that was clearly wrongly translated (no variable matching).
============================== = 66 languages are activated = ============================== 37 complete for sublevels 1 to 5 --------------------------------- ar ast be bg ca cs de el eo es fi fr ga gl gu he hi id is ja kk ko lt mr nb pa pl pt ro ru sk sr sv ta tz vi zh_CN 6 complete for 4 sublevels -------------------------- it (sublevel 4 incomplete) fa (sublevel 4 incomplete) te (sublevel 3 incomplete) tr (sublevel 3 incomplete) et (sublevel 2 incomplete) eu (sublevel 2 incomplete) 2 complete for 3 sublevels -------------------------- nl (sublevel 3 and 4 incomplete) hu (sublevel 2 and 3 incomplete) 2 lcomplete for 2 sublevels --------------------------- uk (sublevel 2, 3 and 4 incomplete) zh_TW (sublevel 2, 3 and 4 incomplete) 11 complete for 1 sublevel -------------------------- am (sublevel 1 complete) bn (sublevel 5 complete) bs (sublevel 5 complete) da (sublevel 5 complete) dz (sublevel 5 complete) hr (sublevel 5 complete) ka (sublevel 5 complete) km (sublevel 5 complete) lv (sublevel 5 complete) pt_BR (sublevel 5 complete) sl (sublevel 5 complete) 8 incomplete for all sublevels ------------------------------ ku mk ml ne nn se sq tl ============================================================= 11 languages are prospective and therefore not activated -------------------------------------------------------- si (39 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) wo (82 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) cy (93 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) ms (340 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) kn (610 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) br (612 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) mg (821 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) xh (904 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) ur (1021 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) hy (1026 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) lo (1063 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) ----- End forwarded message ----- -- Christian Perrier Service informatique individuelle et départementale Direction des Réseaux et de l'Informatique http://iris.onera/departements/DRIS/ -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-i18n-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Archive: http://lists.debian.org/20101025045855.gz3...@mykerinos.kheops.frmug.org