Let's start a new spam session^W^W series of localization status reports. As written previously, the beta1 release of D-I is on its way. Immediately after it, we will prepare at least an RC1 release, which has great chances to be the final release for squeeze.
So, translators, *this is your last chance to complete things*. Please note that we won't deactivate any language as of now. So, completing your translation work is just a matter of making things perfect..:-). Prospective language *can* be activated if they complete sublevels 1 and 2. See at the end of this mail for the list of these languages and what is missing for them ============================== = 66 languages are activated = ============================== 38 complete for sublevels 1 to 5 --------------------------------- ar ast be bg ca cs de el eo es fi fr ga gl gu he hi id is ja kk ko lt mr nb pa pl pt ro ru sk sr sv ta th tz vi zh_CN 5 complete for 4 sublevels -------------------------- it (sublevel 4 incomplete) fa (sublevel 4 incomplete) te (sublevel 3 incomplete) et (sublevel 2 incomplete) eu (sublevel 2 incomplete) 2 complete for 3 sublevels -------------------------- nl (sublevel 3 and 4 incomplete) hu (sublevel 2 and 3 incomplete) 2 lcomplete for 2 sublevels --------------------------- uk (sublevel 2, 3 and 4 incomplete) zh_TW (sublevel 2, 3 and 4 incomplete) 11 complete for 1 sublevel -------------------------- am (sublevel 1 complete) bn (sublevel 5 complete) bs (sublevel 5 complete) da (sublevel 5 complete) dz (sublevel 5 complete) hr (sublevel 5 complete) ka (sublevel 5 complete) km (sublevel 5 complete) lv (sublevel 5 complete) pt_BR (sublevel 5 complete) sl (sublevel 5 complete) 8 incomplete for all sublevels ------------------------------ ku mk ml ne nn se sq tl ============================================================= 11 languages are prospective and therefore not activated -------------------------------------------------------- si (39 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) wo (82 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) cy (93 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) ms (340 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) kn (610 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) br (612 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) mg (821 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) xh (904 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) ur (1021 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) hy (1026 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2) lo (1063 strings missing in sublevels 1 and 2)
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