Quoting Clytie Siddall (cly...@riverland.net.au):

> I'm not sure I'm getting useful notifications for iso-codes. The maintainers 
> asked me to stop translating that package at the TP, which I did, but I 
> haven't had any notifications since then, and I know iso-codes files have 
> been updated several times. The D-I Level 2 stats say iso_3166 is complete, 
> but none of the other files are included. I probably need to chase the 
> maintainers about that.

For iso-codes, notifications are made for 3166 only (because this is
the only used in D-I).

Other files are left up to translators. I'm not sure it has been a
good idea to ask you stopping to do it in the TP. We have many
iso-codes translations that come through the TP (and LI Daobing is
very efficient at committing them).

> > As of now, you can go through
> > http://www.debian.org/intl/l10n/po-debconf/vi (roughly from top to
> > down) and complete what's not complete yet.
> OK. I've got some debconf update emails, and I can chase up any others on 
> that page. There are a also few packages currently requesting new 
> translations on this list.

You can probably target 100% for debconf. Not for squeeze, I'd say,
but for wheezy, this is possible.

> It means Yet Another Mailing Listâ„¢ for me to monitor, but I agree that it 
> would be helpful in keeping track of notifications. (I filter all the BTS 
> bug-acknowledged/closed emails into one mailbox with my send-to-BTS emails, 
> so that is a start.)
> It would definitely help to have info like that on the Spanish Debconf page: 
> knowing which translations are languishing in the BTS, for example. ;)
> I remember that we applied for a debian-l10n-vietnamese mailing list in the 
> past: Jean-Christophe André from Hanoi-LUG supported the application. Hmm:
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=486799
> Looks like he didn't actually add anything to the bug. <sigh>

I'll add a second to the list request. And I'll explain how the list
could be useful.

> I don't think I'm really up to chasing people in our community to do this. I 
> can just manage the occasional translation update, but full-on social contact 
> (our community is very friendly and energetic in this respect) is too much 
> for me now. I'll try emailing J-C separately, and see if he can set it up.

Even if there are no other contributors, at least mails targeted at
the robot would be useful.

This is what I'll include in my mail to support the list creation.

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