Thankyou as always for your helpful reply, Christian. :)

On 24/10/2010, at 1:00 AM, Christian PERRIER wrote:

> Quoting Clytie Siddall (
>> How close are we to release? (Sorry, I lose track.)
> The release of squeeze is roughly planned for the end of the year but,
> eh, this is Debian, so we never really know.

My husband runs &debian; on some of his servers, and last night when I said 
squeeze might be released pretty soon, his jaw dropped a bit. ;)

(Dammit, after working my way through the Installation Guide, I automatically 
hit my shortcut for &debian; instead of "Debian" when typing. :o )

BTW, I think &debian; --

DEBIAN could arrange some sort of combined event with the Asthma/Emphysema 
foundations, for the release of Wheezy. A penguin with breathing difficulties 
is a potent symbol for Linux users who have, or know someone who has that sort 
of problem. My Dad has emphysema, which brought this into my mind.

Back to the topic:
> For D-I, beta1 should be released in the upcoming days. The
> translation status is roughly what we had in July, with vietnamese
> being 100% there.

I love my 100% stats. :D
> Immediately after beta1, there should be an RC1 release, which will
> mostly be an errata fix, but also includes a full translation
> update. I sent a call for translations, for the entire level 1, 3 days
> ago. Of course as, IIRC, vi is 100% there, you got no notifications.
> For levels 2 and 3, I'll try to get all sent translations included in
> the various packages (this is already nearly the case)....but that can
> be done *after* the D-I release (with the notable exception of iso-codes).

I'm not sure I'm getting useful notifications for iso-codes. The maintainers 
asked me to stop translating that package at the TP, which I did, but I haven't 
had any notifications since then, and I know iso-codes files have been updated 
several times. The D-I Level 2 stats say iso_3166 is complete, but none of the 
other files are included. I probably need to chase the maintainers about that.
>> I've checked D-I and I'm updating the Manual: after that, what should my 
>> priorities be?
> Well, I think you're OK.

Good. <sigh of relief>

> The squeeze release notes are not ready,
> yet. There will be a call for translations for it. Better watch what's
> going on here, in -i18n.

OK. This is the first place I come, once I can understand it.
> As of now, you can go through
> (roughly from top to
> down) and complete what's not complete yet.

OK. I've got some debconf update emails, and I can chase up any others on that 
page. There are a also few packages currently requesting new translations on 
this list.
> If we had a debian-l10n-vietnamese mailing list, status messages could
> be sent there so that you have status like what you can see on
> (the most important part
> being bug reports "recorded" on the status page).
> Even though such a list wouldn't be very relevant for vi l10n work (as
> far as I know, you're mostly alone, Clytie), it could be useful at
> least for this.
> I can try helping out to have such a list if you think that such
> status tracking could be useful (in your specific case, it might be a
> tremendous help for you for tracking things during the time perios
> where you can be active).

It means Yet Another Mailing Listâ„¢ for me to monitor, but I agree that it would 
be helpful in keeping track of notifications. (I filter all the BTS 
bug-acknowledged/closed emails into one mailbox with my send-to-BTS emails, so 
that is a start.)

It would definitely help to have info like that on the Spanish Debconf page: 
knowing which translations are languishing in the BTS, for example. ;)

I remember that we applied for a debian-l10n-vietnamese mailing list in the 
past: Jean-Christophe André from Hanoi-LUG supported the application. Hmm:

Looks like he didn't actually add anything to the bug. <sigh>

I don't think I'm really up to chasing people in our community to do this. I 
can just manage the occasional translation update, but full-on social contact 
(our community is very friendly and energetic in this respect) is too much for 
me now. I'll try emailing J-C separately, and see if he can set it up.

Anyway, the Installation Guide is 100% now. :)

from Clytie 

Vietnamese Free Software Translation Team

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