On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 06:23:45PM +0200, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Quoting Helge Kreutzmann (deb...@helgefjell.de):
> > uploaded. Do you have any news on this translation? It is the second
> > last open translation for at least German (since the newly uploaded
> > chemical-structures is probably not for Squeeze).
> Oh, I know why. I uploaded on Oct 8th to DELAYED/7-day. It reached the
> incoming queue on Oct 15th  but, in the meantime, my GPG key i,n the
> keyring had been replaced, so the upload was discarded (and,
> apparently, in such case, one doesn't get any notification).
> I just re-uploaded, signed with my new key. I had the same problem
> with qmail, indeed.

Yes, but I thought the technical problems of qmail had caused this one
to be aborted.

> WTF is this new chemical-structures package? Yet another maintainer
> uploading without coordination, I guess.

And with a French translation already present, thus probably escaping
your radar.

> Not having i18n.debian.net alive made me miss this, apparently. Let my
> find my cluebat....

As Martin mentioned, only sid ATM.


      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     deb...@helgefjell.de
           Dipl.-Phys.                   http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
        64bit GNU powered                     gpg signed mail preferred
           Help keep free software "libre": http://www.ffii.de/

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