Quoting Helge Kreutzmann (deb...@helgefjell.de):

> uploaded. Do you have any news on this translation? It is the second
> last open translation for at least German (since the newly uploaded
> chemical-structures is probably not for Squeeze).

Oh, I know why. I uploaded on Oct 8th to DELAYED/7-day. It reached the
incoming queue on Oct 15th  but, in the meantime, my GPG key i,n the
keyring had been replaced, so the upload was discarded (and,
apparently, in such case, one doesn't get any notification).

I just re-uploaded, signed with my new key. I had the same problem
with qmail, indeed.

WTF is this new chemical-structures package? Yet another maintainer
uploading without coordination, I guess.

Not having i18n.debian.net alive made me miss this, apparently. Let my
find my cluebat....

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