To i18n/l10n folks: the limit to messages' sizes have been raised by
the listmasters in all debian-l10n-* mailing lists.
I think we can wholeheartedly thank Alexander Wirt for this change
that will make our job easier in the future (at least those of us who
use the mailing lists for reviews).

My suggestion was raising the limit to 300kB. Alexander doesn't say if
he used that limit or something else but, in any case, that should
help a lot.

----- Forwarded message from Alexander Wirt <> -----

Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 10:53:19 +0200
From: Alexander Wirt <>
To: Christian Perrier <>,
Subject: Re: Bug#594227: Please raise size limits on some
        i18n/l10n lists
X-CRM114-Status: Good  ( pR: 9.2171 )

Christian Perrier schrieb am Tuesday, den 24. August 2010:

> The current limits to messages' size on Debian lists (TTBOMK around
> 60kB) prevents using the lists for review of localization work.
> Particularly, very large translation files can't be sent as
> attachments for review as this is done for smaller work.
> Coulmd it be possible to consider raising this limit for lists where
> it is well known that they're well monitored and used. ATM, I'd like
> to propose raising it in:
I raised the limit for _all_ l10n and the i18n mailinglist. 

Alex - Debian listmaster

----- End forwarded message -----


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