Dear Debian I18N people, This is a call for translation of the apt package manpages.
apt already includes de.po es.po fr.po it.po ja.po pl.po pt.po pt_BR.po. So do not translate it to these languages (the translators will be contacted separately). language translated fuzzy untranslated ----------------------------------------------------- de 989 66 27 es 985 65 32 fr 1082 it 1 94 987 ja 743 134 205 pl 691 57 334 pt 1031 36 15 pt_BR 2 153 927 Please send the updated file as a wishlist bug against apt. Of course, this is a *very big* work. However, even partial translations would be welcomed (for instance, translating only the apt-get manpage: you can find which strings belong to what manpages in the POT file comments). If you have read so far, please *mail me in private* to receive the POT file (it's too big to be sent in the mailing list). Please do so by CC'ing to let others know about your intent. Thanks in advance,