Before people "blindly" update their Standards-Version, I deeply
suggest looking at this item:

>   * Localized man pages should either be kept up-to-date with the
>     original version or warn that they're not up-to-date, either with
>     warning text or by showing missing or changed portions in the
>     original language.                                        [12.1]

*many* packages do provide localized manpages where l10n is handled
"manually" (the translated manpages are just a copy of the original
ones....where English is manually replaced by the said language). With
such setup, it is nearly impossible to guarantee that the localized
manpage is in sync with the original one.

As such, this "should" prevents *many* packages to meet 3.8.3 for
Standards-Version. You may thus want to check things carefully..:)

(thankfully for our release date, this "should" is not a "must"...:-))

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