
I have some I18N issue with the CDD tasks pages.  My idea is that
descriptions of special applications should be translated by specialists
and thus I added an extra link to the DDTP translation to each package
in the list (see URLs below in the copy of my announcement).  This works
so far (even if the intermediate page before you come to the description
translation form is boring).  The problem is I also would like to enable
users to fix broken translation but the link does not give a reasonable
result for just translated descriptions but

   All descriptions for package biomode already translated

   Goto main page

But I know that there is a way to force fetching the translation if you
are in the main screen.  I just tried the wild guess to add "&force=1" to


which seems to work somehow - but I wanted to make sure that I will
not missuse the system.  I'm afraid we will get some more missusing
of this interface because I also feel guilty for just pushing the
back button of my browser without abandoning the translation.  I now
realised this - but I'm afraid other users will do so as well if I
try to draw "uneducated DDTP users" into this tool with my web pages.

What do you think about the CDD tasks pages with the link to description
translations in general?  Do you think that it might increase the translation
quality?  If yes, do you see any other chance to advertise this a little
bit in translator groups?  Do you think I should generate more language
and if yes which would you add?

Kind regards


PS: PLease CC me - I'm not subscribed to the list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 12:01:50 +0200 (CEST)
From: Andreas Tille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Custom Debian Distributions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Debian Med Project List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: [Announce] New tasks web Bpages for all CDDs


I'd like to announce the new tasks pages generating system for the
CDD tasks pages.  I want you to hunt for bugs in these pages for about
one week before I replace the old pages by the new ones.  My plan is
to run a cron job[1] twice a day to regenerate all CDD pages.  (The
old cron jobs for Debian Med and Debian Science should be taken out
operation, for Debian Med I will do this by just inserting an "exit 0"
in the current script because the owner of the job David Paleino
announced to be off line for a while.)

  - (Hopefully) reimplemented all features of the old system
  - "Fully" translated modulo missing DDTP translations (and
    there are A LOT untranslated descriptions - this is YOUR
    job in case you have some spare time! ... Just visit the
    DDTP page[2] and see how you could enhance the situation!)
  - Better navigation from one task to the others by adding a
    menu in the left column
  - Fully translatable for all CDDs (no remaining references
    to Debian Med)
  - Easily adaptable for new CDDs by just adding a config file
  - Index page shows (translated, if there are DDTP translations)
    descriptions of the tasks instead of a plain list.
  - Pages are not PHP but static HTML, language preference settings
    are detected via "Options +MultiViews" in a .htaccess file
    (which is auto generated according the languages that are
    available); List of available languages at the bottom.
    Question: Do you think it makes sense to generate different
              sets of languages for different CDDs.  I'd regard
              this as possibly interesting but not high on top
              of the todo list.  Implementation is easy.
  - Probabably some more new features
  - Probably some new bugs

Please have a look at the pages of your pet-CDD:

  Debian Edu:

  Debian GIS:

  Debian Junior:

  Debian Med:

  Debian Science:

Start working on DDTP decriptions of packages _NOW_!

Kind regards


[1] http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/cdd/cdd/trunk/webtools/update-all-tasks?op=file&rev=0&sc=0
[2] http://ddtp.debian.net/


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