Hello guys
I'm writing behalf of a small Debian focused translation group. Until now we have kept the debian installer and debian packages translations up to date; now, we are working on debconf template translations and when this reaches an acceptable percentage, we hope to work on debian descriptions translations. Until now we have been using the librezale.org main list for administrating this work but now in other to avoid these problems we want to create a new list. At first we thought of putting the new list on librezale.org (no problem for this) but a translator commented that the best site to centralize and maintain it on a Debian list, adding that this can be a good possibility for new people (not involved in librezale) to join the group. We have notice that most translating groups use debian-user-* list at first but later, if needed, ask for a debian-l10n-* team. Due to the unique quality of the Basque Language, one hundred per cent of Basque users speak either Spanish, English or French; because of this all users clarify their doubts on one of these big language communities. We don´t want to propose something that is difficult to approve, and we are asking for your expert advice: * Would it be possible for Debian to create a mail list for us ? There are a few translators working on this and we don´t know if Debian is willing to invest more resources on it. * Which of these would be more logical to ask for: debian-user-basque or debian-110n-basque? It would be interesting to create debian-user-basque to see if we can strengthen the community but if it weren't used to solve user doubts, we shouldn't´use it to manage issues related to 110n on a user team. Could you offer us any advice or do you have any literature to help us start in Debian Description Translation Project? -- Piarres Beobide
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