Clytie Siddall wrote:
I would prefer a translated page-name, but
I haven't seen UTF-8 wiki URLs yet, so in Vietnamese, we get dreadfully
messy-looking URLs like this:
The pagename is simply:
Cách dch
or "how to translate".
It reminds me of the old ASCII days on Usenet, when we used to write like
To^i ra^'t thi'ch ddo.c nhu+~ng la' thu+ cu?a ba.n. Tuy nhie^n, to^i kho^ng
the^? hie^?u lo+`i gia?i thi'ch ve^`...
although that's actually easier on the eye than the Wiki pagenames.
Is there any good reason for not transcribing URL's into the
URL character set (less than full ASCII), rather than
putting lots of hexadecimal codes in the URL's?
Besides that the transcription is language specific? Or
maybe that is bad enough in itself.
Growing older is compulsory. Growing up isn't.