> > 3. run as root:
> >         im-switch -s scim
> > After a relogin, the user can toggle SCIM on/off by pressing CRTL+SPACE.
> > 
> >> "im-switch -s scim" should be done once on the installed system, or at
> >> every boot?
> only once at install time. And only if you want to use SCIM as default
> IM application...

Hmmm, OK, then that could fit in the localechooser finish-install
script. Something like:

"check whether scim is installed on the installed system and, if so,
run 'im-switch -s scim'"

> To all above comments from Christian:
> I think it might be good, in addition to adding the language specific
> IMs to their related language packs, to have one more task in addition
> to the normal desktop one:
> "international-desktop" which contains all above mentioned SCIM input
> modules and basic fonts to be able to display all kind of scripts. Users
> like me, who are using an English system, but need to type multiple
> other languages (in my case I need to be able to type Chinese, Japanese
> and occasional Tamil (indic)), won't install all the localized desktops,
> because they would be useless, except for the font packages.

Interesting, yes.

This could be proposed as a wishlist bug for an additional task in
tasksel, that one being listed among the proposed tasks and not
implicit like the l10n tasks are.

> So, the "desktop" task, without SCIM, for those users who are happy with
> their localized desktop, and "international-desktop" for those users,
> who need global IMs and fonts on their systems.

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