On Thu, Jul 05, 2007 at 10:52:15AM +0200, Jens Seidel wrote:
> > No objections, but:
> >  - I like to switch the server at weekend.... Please make your
> >    announcements after the move
> What does this mean for us? Could translations be lost during the next
> days? Should we (later) use a newer emial address?

somethings should be faster, nothing will change user spezific things
(same interface, some addresses, ...)

> >  - we don't have po-support and I know: you like po.
> >    The first point on the todo list after the move: add po support to
> >    the mail interface
> How would we profit from it? If other package translations could be reused
> they are already used automatically. Spell checking is also no problem
> for a plain text file (where the translated part can easily be saved into
> a different file).

I don't see a real profit from a po file personnal. But some people
like to use kbable etc... 

> Maybe there are other priorities?

let's start to collect some points:

 - review system in the ddtp-server (like the old days)
 - some automatic translations (like s/Homepage: (.*)/Webseite: $1/ )
 - use of word-list in the ddtp-server (like ddtss)
 - batch commands to make mass changes on all translations

Michael Bramer  -   http://www.feuerwehr.kreuzau.de/wiki/
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