On 7/5/07, Michael Bramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For that reason, I propose that the number of reviews for the French
> translation of packages description is lowered from 3 (which I think
> is the default) to 1, so that we can really focus on translating and
> just pick up the very obvious errors.

Sure, if that's the concensus it's a one line change.

No objections, but:
 - I like to switch the server at weekend.... Please make your
   announcements after the move

Will the email address/web address change?

to Martin:
  Is it possible to change your web interface?
   - that it use the ddtp-db and don't send mails etc
   - move it to i18n.debian.net too.

It's possible, it might not even be too hard to do, all the logic for
accessing the DB is in a seperate module. I don't have any account on
i18n.d.o so maybe someone else needs to do the work. Only downside: I
am going on holidays for 5 weeks starting saturday so any changes
needed to keep the current system working I need to know before then.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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