On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 05:32:50AM +0300, Tapio Lehtonen wrote:
> Is there any dates for the changes appear? I want to have the release
> notes translated, but currently I have very limited time available for
> Debian work. So I would like to make arrangements that I do have a
> few evenings free to do the translation, but I need to plan ahead.

There was a date (which was last weekend) but we missed it. I want to have
them finished by the end of the week, but there's still a lot of work to be

> Another issue that worries me: can I assume that after this set of
> changes the release notes is finalized? I mean, if I do get the
> translation to 100%, it's not back to 50% by large rewrites or
> additions.

Those who have followed debian-doc (where CVS commits are sent) will have
seen that there are a lot of changes being introduced right now. You can

- section rewrites in sections that are right now in TODO (i.e. those
  that have a <P>TODO</p> at the beginning of the section, not those that
  have a TODO in SGML comments). Some of those are really empty, so there's
  no sense in translating them now.

- new sections not yet in the document, based on patches in the BTS.

I cannot say right now if those two things might get a translation which is
100% back to 50%, but I can say that (if you leave "draft" sections
untouched) you will most probably have *new* things to translate (if using PO
files, as opposed of having many "fuzzy" entries you would have to review)

Regardless of this, translators  should expect that, even after the Release
change might be introduced in the Release Notes (based on the users'
experiences), so there will probably be some overhead of translation updates
for a few months after the first published version of the document.



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