> No, IMO there is no need to document it as such. localization-config was 
> basically one big ugly hack (and strictly spoken a policy violoation as 
> it modified configuration files of other packages) to work around the 
> fact that most packages did not properly take care of this themselves.

As the de facto l-c maintainer for a while, I completely agree with
Frans comments.

I did not push very hard for l-c support for two basic reasons:

- the package being one big hack to circumvent the fact that dealing
properly with localized environments was not done by several packages
in sarge

- I don't understand the code and noone popped up to continue
maintaining the package

As Frans explained, the remaining bits not done by l-c are not deeply
affecting desktop systems users, so I don't really see a need to
document this in the release notes.

IMHO, l-c should completely be dropped out from unstable. In the
future, when we identify l10n/i18n releated things that need to bo
configured according to the system locale, we should work on them with
package maintainers, not circumvent the problem.

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