On Monday 26 March 2007 11:27, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
> I was wondering if we should document this fact on the Release Notes,
> as some users might have come to expect some of the thinks
> localization-config. Based on the sources this is what it did for sarge
> users:

No, IMO there is no need to document it as such. localization-config was 
basically one big ugly hack (and strictly spoken a policy violoation as 
it modified configuration files of other packages) to work around the 
fact that most packages did not properly take care of this themselves.

> - installing -l10n packages based on the system's defined locale
> (including fonts)

I don't think that ever was a main purpose of the package. Anyway, this is 
now done by tasksel, at least for the most important l10n packages that 
go with the standard tasks.

> - preseed the user's dictionaries based on the configured locale
> (through dictionaries-common)

This is now done correctly by dictionaries-common.

> - presetting the user's keymap in X (now users have to answer the
>   questions, when X gets installed)

This is now done by X.Org's configuration scripts.

> - configuring the default Desktop environment based on system's locale
>   (GDM's /etc/default/gdm, KDM's kdmrc, KDE's system.kdeglobals)

Not sure what exactly it did here, but both Gnome and KDE and gdm are 
already in the correct language on the first boot.

> - configuring some browsers with the system's default locale (lynx,
> links, and mozilla)
>    - it seems mozilla is not an issue here since iceweasel will uses
> the LANG environment to set its locale

lynx and links might be a (very minor IMO) regression on new installs.

> How much of this is now done automatically (because of changes in the
> packages or in d-i) and how much needs to be done manually by users?

The only "real" regression I'm aware of is that the papersize is no longer 
set to a4 by default as it should be for most countries in the world.


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