Eddy Petrișor wrote:
> Jens Seidel wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 08:37:39AM +0100, Christian Perrier wrote:
>>>> This just need the modified apt, synaptics that are waiting somewhere
>>>> into experimental IIRC. 
>>>> Could we manage the po-debconf the in the same way? 
>>> I don't see how, with the current tools and package organisation.
>>> The translations have to be included in the templates file, as
>>> DEBIAN/templates, so interaction with the maintainer at the package
>>> build time is mandatory.
>> Once the new i18n server is up and running it should be as simple as
>> adding a new debhelper tool which downloads new translations at build
>> time. This requires no action of the maintainer except the initial
>> modifications.
>> Or does the policy forbid such steps (downloads, ...) during package
>> builds?
> Yes, is forbidden... but probably the developer could trigger the
> update by hand and then do the build on his machine with the new
> files; he will only need to update the files from time to time.

It's forbidden to rely on network access, though it's not forbidden to try the
network access and fall back on something else if no network access is



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