Shall we propose an i18n project again? Some areas in i18n stuff could certainly benefit from an i18n project.
Last year's project from Gintautas Miliauskas achieved some work for Pootle, but some drawback has been that it apparently slightly diverged from the expectations of the Wordforge project people....and therefore did not lead to progress in Pootle, nor much progress for Debian. If we propose something, we should probably propose something more closely realted to Debian. I would say that work around the DDTP integration in the *existing* Pootle server could be a way to go. Others, ideasĀ ? We will also need people to *mentor* such project. ----- Forwarded message from Steve McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ----- Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 00:51:30 +0000 From: Steve McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Subject: Google Summer of Code 2007 - mentors and project ideas wanted Reply-To: X-Mailing-List: <> X-CRM114-Status: Good ( pR: 16.1950 ) [ Please respect the Reply-To and discuss things on debian-project. ] The Google Summer of Code is running again this year[1]. Last year we started ten projects with students, and six of them ran to completion[2], providing us with new useful code. This year, we're applying again for Debian to be a mentoring organisation. With luck, we'll get some enthusiastic new developers working for us, paid full time by Google for the duration of the summer. We will hear in the next few days whether or not Debian has been accepted; in the meantime, we need to get working. Admins ====== Our two current admins are Steve McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Stefano Zacchiroli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; if last year is anything to go by, we'll probably add more admins later once the programme is up and running. Admins are responsible for approving mentors and students. Mentors and ideas ================= At this point, we have not nominated any specific mentors as part of our application; we expect to add more mentors shortly as people get in touch. If you want to be a mentor, add yourself in the wiki and please also contact Steve and Zack. If you have ideas for projects that you'd like to oversee, please add them to the list in this year's wiki page[3]. As a starting list, we've copied in the list of projects from this time last year already. To be a mentor, you will need to have a Google account. If you don't have one already, that would be a useful thing to set up in advance. Once we know the procedure for signing up mentors, we will pass on the details to those interested. Discussion ========== Please find us on the debian-project mailing list or if there's anything you need to discuss with us. [1] [2] [3] -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mature Sporty Personal More Innovation More Adult A Man in Dandism Powered Midship Specialty ----- End forwarded message ----- --
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