On 19/04/2006, at 3:58 PM, Christian Perrier wrote:

Spellcheck:  unknown words in master file..

Are we running spellchecks for the different languages, or is this an
English spellcheck?

The spellchecker, which is Davide Viti's responsibility is run for all
languages. However, real spellchecking is only done for languages
which have an aspell wordlist.

Other spellchecker tasks are a few tests about translation consistency
(correct use of variables, legth of limited strings, etc).

See http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/spellcheck/

Mm, nice catch. It caught a missing variable, which really should have shown up during msgfmt.

There is an existing aspell dictionary for Vietnamese: how do I check if it's being used or not? (Although spellchecking has limited use for us, since with monosyllabic words, there are very few combinations that aren't valid words, it can pick up some obvious typos.)

Also, it occurs to me that I had no idea what a diff was, when I
started translating, so I'm sure there will be other translators who
also don't know what a diff is.

This means they won't understand the D-I update mails. Do we have a
little howto online yet on these update mails?

If not, I'll write one, providing I have the basic info on how they
work. :)

More generally, we should work on making these notification mails
easier to interprete for all translators. The current output is a bit
"geeky" (though still very useful of course).

Unless you focus on the - and + as the key information, it's easy to misunderstand, I think.

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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