Hi Turnbull On 4/18/06, Stephen J. Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >>>>> "Marco" == Marco Ferra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Marco> I hope you (all) didn't forget about the > Marco> portuguese/brazillian thingy. > > Is this the right place to ask? I think everybody remembers the > issue, but you're asking for progress in resource allocation, right?
This is the right place to ask, I think. If it's not, then I'm off topic, and I'm sorry for that. I need directions to the right mailing list. > Much of that work must be done by the teams involved, and won't affect > anybody else (except as the Portuguese translation process improves > and contributes more better faster translations for users, and process > improvements to the developers -- I include translators! "development" > == "extend and improve"). Most of the rest needs to be done by the > resource administrators (mailing list admins, etc). The (European) Portuguese team does a great effort to bring quality translations to Debian, as I'm sure that the others team do. We are totally responsable for our efforts, organization policies and translations, as you for certain agree. > If you don't know how to follow up with these issues, I guess this is > as good a place as any to ask, but you must do most of the follow up > yourself, with the people who can do the work. Nobody else can do it > right for you! I have created our translation system trying to unite and organize volunteers, but I'm not very good at politics; I have made a simple question and I was expecting an answer. Does the mlist debian-l10n-portuguese will continue to serve the brazilian team or not? I can't not give myself an answer for this, and if no one does, then I'm sure that someone is lacking his own responsabilities on this matter. Marco