Seems reasonable.  We are ourselvers improving our current translation
system; we'll wait until the end of May.

Sincere regards

On 4/18/06, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 04/18/2006 10:46 AM, Marco Ferra wrote:
> > On 4/18/06, Stephen J. Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>>>>"Marco" == Marco Ferra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>
> >>    Marco> I hope you (all) didn't forget about the
> >>    Marco> portuguese/brazillian thingy.
> >>
> >>Is this the right place to ask?  I think everybody remembers the
> >>issue, but you're asking for progress in resource allocation, right?
> >
> > This is the right place to ask, I think.  If it's not, then I'm off
> > topic, and I'm sorry for that.  I need directions to the right mailing
> > list.
>       Marco, I'm working on a migration plan. It will get ready by
> the weekend, since I'm travelling to FISL, one of the largest Free
> Software events in South America (and in the World). Debian has a
> Booth and I'm one of the people in charge, so, I just need one more
> week to finish the proposal and forward to all relevant maillist and
> people involved. :)
> >>Much of that work must be done by the teams involved, and won't affect
> >>anybody else (except as the Portuguese translation process improves
> >>and contributes more better faster translations for users, and process
> >>improvements to the developers -- I include translators! "development"
> >>== "extend and improve").  Most of the rest needs to be done by the
> >>resource administrators (mailing list admins, etc).
> >
> > The (European) Portuguese team does a great effort to bring quality
> > translations to Debian, as I'm sure that the others team do. We are
> > totally responsable for our efforts, organization policies and
> > translations, as you for certain agree.
>       I believe that bring teams to inside Debian structure is a good
> move and idea. I propose that some time ago, and I support it again.
> - -i18n is the right place to coordinate that, -l10n-portuguese is aware
> of future changes and I try to keep -www and -project also aware of that.
> So, just one more week and we have a plan to discuss the future changes
> and steps involved, specially because we need to hear Christian Perrier
> (bubbule) on that.
> >>If you don't know how to follow up with these issues, I guess this is
> >>as good a place as any to ask, but you must do most of the follow up
> >>yourself, with the people who can do the work.  Nobody else can do it
> >>right for you!
> >
> > I have created our translation system trying to unite and organize
> > volunteers, but I'm not very good at politics; I have made a simple
> > question and I was expecting an answer. Does the mlist
> > debian-l10n-portuguese will continue to serve the brazilian team or
> > not?  I can't not give myself an answer for this, and if no one does,
> > then I'm sure that someone is lacking his own responsabilities on this
> > matter.
>       Calm down Marco. I already proposed -l10n-portuguese to become
> official European Portuguese maillist, and -l10n-portuguese subscribers
> are aware of our move to another -l10n maillist.
>       I give you an answer, I support the change, but please, give us
> some time to work on a smooth change. Usually, people recommends that
> you wait three weeks when concating people by mail inside Debian, I'm
> still working in other areas and, as I said, I'm in the middle of FISL
> preparations, I start the draft of the changes proposal (once again),
> but please, give me a couple of weeks to finish that. :)
>       I'm sure that, as soon as we bring a proposal of changes,
> specially based on already discussed topics from my very old previous
> post, Christian and others will show up to comment about and set some
> targets.
>       So, I'm sincerely here, is that too bad to wait a couple of
> week until we get ready to do all the changes? Let's say that probably
> on May we are going to start the split and other changes.
> > Marco
>       Kind regards,
> - --
> Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
> "Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!"
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