On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 01:04:16AM -0300, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) 
> Christian Perrier wrote:
> :: OK, it seems we have found the right man, now, who will
> :: gather together all the existing bricks and come with
> :: a very nice translation status framework revamping....
>       My hope is that I can help on this subject. :o)

As Christian said at some point, I am one of the former dl10n author (along
with Denis Barbier). I would love to help you guys, but I'm afraid it won't
be possible. I'm completely overhelmed and swamped in much to much projects.

I attach a mail I got a while ago about implementing dl10n-html that I
wasn't able to answer yet. There was a prototype implementation I didn't
even read yet. Shame on me. (Miguel is ok for the public answer to his mail).

I guess you guys will do a much better work if you consider me out of the

Sorry for that and have fun,
--- Begin Message ---
Hash: SHA1

Hello Martin,

As I talked to you a few months ago I'm working with dl10n-stats
scripts. It's unfinished yet, but i'll worked on it, it need to revise
totals, finish headers and debug all. It's hardly based on dl10n-txt.

Now I'm working in web page headers, the common part on debian pages, do
you know if exist a templates for it? I've seen on debian-www but i
think it's a big dependence. How had you do them before machine crash?

I've attached the actual dl10n-stats file to you.

- --
e-mail: Miguel Gea Milvaques <debian(@nospam)miguelgea.com
Blog: http://www.livejournal.com/users/xerakko/
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

# dl10n-stats -- Debian l10n statistics
# Copyright (C) 2004 Martin Quinson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

use strict;
use Getopt::Long; #to parse the args
use Time::Local 'timelocal'; # to compute bug ages

my $progname= $0; $progname= $& if $progname =~ m,[^/]+$,;

my $VERSION = "3.0"; #External Version Number
my $BANNER = "Debian l10n infrastructure -- textual statistics extractor 
v$VERSION"; # Version Banner - text form
my $DB_FILE="./data/status";
my $STATUS_FILE='./data/status.$lang';

my $list_file=undef;
my $take_debian=0;
my $fmt = "po,podebconf";

my $mask_done = 0;
my $show_empty = 1;

my $show_status = 0;
my $show_total = 0;
my $assume_bts = 0;

my $output_fmt = 0;
my $showmsg = 1;
my %ffile;
my %ftransl; 
my %fstatus;
my %trcolor;
my $trinic="p";   
my @sections=qw(main contrib non-free);
my $section;
my @trans_s=qw(todo done underway);
my $trans_stat;
my $tpercent="0\%";
my $view=1;
use Debian::L10n::Db;

sub syntax_msg {
    my $msg = shift;
    if (defined $msg) {
        print "$progname: $msg\n";
    } else {
        print "$BANNER\n";
"Syntax: $0 [options] [lang]+
General options:
    -h, --help                display short help text
    -V, --version             display version and exit
Package selection:
    --debian                  Only take debian specific packages
    --list=file               Only handle the packages listed in the provided 
    -t,--todo                 Display only when the translation is NOT completed
    -e,--empty                Display even if there is no translation to this 
Informations to display:
    --total                   Show only summary for the lang, not each package 
    -s,--status               Show status (hard to read when there is more than 
one format)
    --trans-stat=ts           Show only packages which translation is 
    --show=fmt                Show only selected format (instead of $fmt)

    -a,--assume-bts           Assume that the content bugs in the BTS were 

    --output=format           Set output format using one html or text.  
Default is text.
    --section=sect            Show only 'sect' section.
Database to use:
    --db=DB_FILE              use DB_FILE as database file 
                                (instead of $DB_FILE)
    --sdb=STATUS_FILE         use STATUS_FILE as status file 
                                (instead of $STATUS_FILE)
    if (defined $msg) {
        exit 1;
    } else {
        exit 0;

# Display Version Banner
# Options: -V|--version, --print-version
sub banner {
  if ($_[0] eq 'print-version') {
    print "$VERSION\n";
  } else {
    print "$BANNER\n";
  exit 0;

# Hash used to process commandline options
my %opthash = (# ------------------ general options
    "help|h" => \&syntax_msg,
    "version|V" => \&banner,
    "print-version" => \&banner,
    # ------------------ configuration options
    "todo|t"    => \$mask_done,
    "empty|e"    => \$show_empty,
    "status|s"    => \$show_status,
    "total"  => \$show_total,
    "assume-bts|a" => \$assume_bts,
    "output=s" => \$output_fmt,
    "trans-stat=s" => \$trans_stat,
    "section=s" => \$section,
    "debian" => \$take_debian,
    "show=s"  => \$fmt,
    "db=s" => \$DB_FILE,
    "sdb=s" => \$STATUS_FILE,
    "list=s" => \$list_file,

# init commandline parser
Getopt::Long::config('bundling', 'no_getopt_compat', 'no_auto_abbrev');

# process commandline options
    or syntax_msg("error parsing options");

$show_status = 1 if ($assume_bts);
if (defined $section) [EMAIL PROTECTED]($section); foreach my $kkkk (@sections) 
{print "sec=".$kkkk;}}
if ($output_fmt eq "html")
     $output_fmt = 1;
     $showmsg = 0;
     # Set the number of lines in a formated page.
     my $old = select STDOUT;
     $= = 9999999;
     select $old;
# die ('Error: trans-stat value must be one on todo/underway/done\n') unless 
$trans_stat eq "todo" || $trans_stat eq "underway" || $trans_stat eq "done";
if ($output_fmt eq "text")
     $output_fmt = 0;
     $showmsg = 1;

#                        The main program                                     
### initialisation

(@ARGV > 0) or &syntax_msg("Nothing to do !");
my $arg;
my @todo_lang;
while ($arg = shift @ARGV) {
    push @todo_lang,$arg;

my $data = Debian::L10n::Db->new();

print STDERR "Read the database..." if ($showmsg == 1);
print STDERR " done.\n" if ($showmsg == 1);

my @todo_pkg;
if (defined($list_file)) {
    print STDERR "Get the package list from $list_file\n" if ($showmsg == 1);
    open LIST, "$list_file" || die "Impossible to read the list file 
    while (<LIST>) {
        next unless $_;
        s/ //g;
        if ($data->has_package($_)) {
            push @todo_pkg, $_;
#           print STDERR "['$_' added]\n";
        } # else {
#           print STDERR "['$_' is not in the DB, skipped]\n";
#       }
    close LIST;
} else {
    @todo_pkg = sort $data->list_packages();
my ($pkg,%p,%d,$man,$status);
my (%total);
my ($man_en_total,$man_fr_total);

my %parts;
map {$parts{$_} = 1} split (/,/, $fmt);

my @poparts=qw(po templates podebconf);
my $format_top;    
my $format2;
if ($output_fmt == 0)
$format_top = "format STDOUT_T = \n".
 # man |':'')."\n".
  eval ($format_top);
if ($output_fmt == 1)
        # print "<html><body>\n";
        # $format_top = "format STDOUT_T = \n";
        $format2="<table summary=\"Table with packages in section\" 
        "<th><\/th>".($parts{'po'}?"<th colspan=4 
align=center>po<\/th>":'').($parts{'templates'}?"<th colspan=4 
align=center>templates<\/th>":'').($parts{'podebconf'}?"<th colspan=4 
        "<tr><th align=center>Package<\/th>".($parts{'po'}?"<th 
 align=center>Score<\/th><th align=center>File<\/th><th 
die $@ if $@;

my $format = "format STDOUT = \n";

if ($output_fmt == 0)
$format .= '|@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< |';
foreach my $part (@poparts) {
    $format .= '@||| |@||||||||||||| |' if ($parts{$part});
$format .= '@||||| |' if $parts{'man'};
$format .= "@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n".'$pkg,       
foreach my $part (@poparts) {

    $format .= '$p{\''.$part.'\'},$d{\''.$part.'\'}, ' if ($parts{$part});
$format .= ' $man, ' if $parts{'man'};
$format .= ' $status'." ;\n.\n";

if ($output_fmt == 1)
$format .='<tr><td [EMAIL PROTECTED]> @* </td>';
foreach my $part (@poparts) {
    $format .= "<td align=center [EMAIL PROTECTED]> @* @* </td><td [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> @* </td><td [EMAIL PROTECTED]> @* </td><td [EMAIL PROTECTED]> @* 
</td>" if ($parts{$part});
$format .="<td [EMAIL PROTECTED]> @* </td>" if $parts{'man'};
$format .="</tr>";
$format .= "\n".'$trcolor{\'inic\'},$pkg, ';
foreach my $part (@poparts) {
$format .= 
$ftransl{\''.$part.'\'},$trcolor{\''.$part.'\'} ,$fstatus{\''.$part.'\'}, ' if 
   $format .= ' $man, ' if $parts{'man'};
   $format .= ";\n.\n";
# print $format;
eval $format;
die $@ if $@;

map {
    my $lang=$_;
    my $statusDBname = "$STATUS_FILE";
#    print STDERR "Handle $lang\n" if (scalar @todo_lang > 1);
    $statusDBname =~ s/\$lang/$lang/g;
    my $statusDB = Debian::L10n::Db->new();
    $statusDB->read($statusDBname,0) if $show_status;

    if ($output_fmt == 0)  {
    print "Status of the ".($take_debian?"debian ":"")."packages 
".($mask_done?"to do ":"")."in $lang\n\n" unless $show_total;
    my %total;
    my $sec;
    my $realsec='';
    my $sali;
    foreach $sec (@sections) {
    print "<h3>Section: ".$sec."</h3>";
    print $format2; 
    foreach $pkg (@todo_pkg) {
#       print STDERR "consider $pkg\n";
        # Take only packages having material
        next unless $data->has_po($pkg) || $data->has_templates($pkg) || 
$data->has_podebconf($pkg) || $data->has_man($pkg) || $show_empty;
        #if ($data->section($pkg) =~/\//) { 
        if (defined $realsec)
        if ($realsec =~/\//) { 
            $realsec=~ s/\/.*//;
            else { 
            next unless defined $realsec;
        next unless $sec eq $realsec;
                my $pdc_data;
                foreach my $part (@poparts) {
                foreach my $part (@poparts) {
                   # $fstatus{$part}='';
                   my $has_part="has_$part";
                   if ($parts{$part} && $data->$has_part($pkg)) {

                foreach $pdc_data (@{$data->$part($pkg)})
                  if(@{$pdc_data}[1] eq $lang ) 
                    if (defined @{$pdc_data}[4])
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED];
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED];
                    $ftransl{$part} =~ s/<.*>//; # Extract translator name.
                    $ftransl{$part} .= " ";
                    while ($ffile{$part}=~ /\//)
                    $ffile{$part} =~ s/^.*\///;
                    # print "Trad: ".$transl; 
        # Take only debian packages
        if ($take_debian) {
            next if ($data->has_upstream($pkg) && $data->upstream($pkg) ne 
            next unless ($data->has_version($pkg));
            next if ($data->version($pkg) =~ m/-/);

        # Take only packages having material in this language (unless --empty)
        my $found=0;
        $man=' ';
        my (%score,%ori);
        foreach my $part (@poparts) {
            # $fstatus{$part}='';
            my $has_part="has_$part";
            if ($parts{$part} && $data->$has_part($pkg)) {
                my $bts_reported=0;
                # $status .= "$part(";
                $score{$part} = '---';
                if ($show_status && $statusDB->has_package($pkg) && 
$statusDB->has_status($pkg)) {
                    foreach my $statusline (@{$statusDB->status($pkg)}) {
($kind,$file,$date,$status_from_db,$translator,$url,$bug_nb) = @{$statusline};
                        if ($kind eq $part) {
                            my $days = "??";
                            if ($date =~ m/^(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d) 
(\d*):(\d*):(\d*)/) { # 2003-07-26
                                $days = sprintf "%.0f", 
                                  (time - timelocal ($6,$5,$4,$3,$2-1,$1)) / 
(60 * 60 * 24);
                            if (! (defined $bug_nb)) {$bug_nb="";}
                            $status .= "<a href=$url>$status_from_db, 
\#$bug_nb<\/a> ($days days)";
                            $bts_reported = 1 if ($status_from_db =~ m/bts/i) 
|| ($status_from_db =~ m/done/i  || ($status_from_db =~ m/lcfc/i)) ;
                $status .= ' '; 
                $status  =~ s/ \)/)/;
                $status  =~ s/\'\}//;
                $status  =~ s/$part\(\)//;
               foreach my $line (@{$data->$part($pkg)}){
                   my ($pofile, $langfound, $stat) = @{$line};
                   if ($langfound eq $lang) {
                       $score{$part} = $stat;

                       if ($mask_done) {
                           unless (($assume_bts && $bts_reported) || 
(output_percent($stat) eq '100%')) {
                               $found = 1;
                       } else {
                           $found = 1;
                   } elsif ($langfound eq '_') {
                       $ori{$part} = add_stat($stat, $ori{$part});

               if ($score{$part} eq '---' && defined($ori{$part})) {
                   $score{$part} = $ori{$part};
                   $found = 1 if $show_empty && !($assume_bts && $bts_reported);
#              print STDERR "show_empty=$show_empty; assume_bts=$assume_bts; 
bts_reported=$bts_reported; found=$found\n";

               if (!($tpercent =~/\%/)) { $tpercent="0%"; }
               $tpercent=~ s/\%//;
               if ($tpercent > 0 ) {$trcolor{$part}="\#ff0000";}
               if ($tpercent > 20) {$trcolor{$part}="\#ff9200";}
               if ($tpercent > 35) {$trcolor{$part}="\#ffdb00";}
               if ($tpercent > 50) {$trcolor{$part}="\#dbff00";}
               if ($tpercent > 65) {$trcolor{$part}="\#92ff00";}
               if ($tpercent > 75) {$trcolor{$part}="\#00ff00";}

        foreach my $trans (@trans_s) 
        if ($tpercent == 100 && $trans eq "done" ) { $view=1; }
        if ($tpercent < 100 && $tpercent > 0 && $trans eq "underway" ) { 
$view=2; }
        if ($tpercent == 0 && $trans eq "todo" ) { $view=3; }
               if ($trinic eq "n") 

                if (defined $score{$part} && $score{$part} ne '---') {
                    if ($assume_bts) {
                        my $stat_to_add=$score{$part};
                        if ($bts_reported) {
                            $stat_to_add =~ /([0-9]*)t([0-9]*)f([0-9]*)u/;
                            $stat_to_add = ($1+$2+$3)."t0f0u";
                        $total{$part} = add_stat($stat_to_add,$total{$part}) if 
                    } else {
                        $total{$part} = add_stat($score{$part},$total{$part}) 
if ($view);
        # Search for mans
        if ($parts{'man'} && $data->has_man($pkg)) {
            my $en=0;
            my $fr=0;
            foreach my $line (@{$data->man($pkg)}){
                my ($name, $langfound) = @{$line};
                $en++ if ($langfound eq 'english');
                $fr++ if ($langfound eq 'french');
            $man_fr_total += $fr;
            $man_en_total += $en;
            $found = 1 unless $mask_done && $fr == $en ;
        write if ($found && !$show_total && $view);
    # }
    if ($show_total) {
        print "$lang: ";
        foreach my $part (@poparts) {
            print "$part("
              .output_details($total{$part}).")  "
              if ($parts{$part});
        print "\n";
    } else {
        if ($output_fmt == 0)
        print "|__________________|";
        foreach my $part (@poparts) { 
            print "_____|_______________|" if $parts{$part};
        print "_______|" if $parts{'man'};
        print "\n";
        $pkg = "TOTAL ($lang)";
        foreach my $part (@poparts) {
        $man="$man_fr_total/$man_en_total" if $parts{'man'};
        if ($assume_bts) {
            $status = " Assuming that all bugs reported were applied";
        } else {
            $status = "";
        # borra percentatges
        foreach my $part (@poparts) {
        if ($output_fmt == 0)
        print "|__________________|"; 
        foreach my $part (@poparts) { 
            print "_____|_______________|" if $parts{$part};
        print "_______|" if $parts{'man'};
        print "\n\n\n";
        if ($output_fmt == 1) {
        print "<\/tbody><\/table>";
        if ($output_fmt == 0) {
        print "When there is some ---, that means that the material exists, but 
is not \n".
          "translated to this language and that some issue (in pot file or DB) 
prevent to find the amount of string.\n\n";
        print "Significance of the 'details' columns:\n".
          "   [# translated strings]/[# fuzzy translation]/[# untranslated 
        if ($parts{'man'}) {
            print "Significance of the 'man' column: [# french pages]/[# 
english pages]\n";
            print "WARNING: 'french' is hardcoded in that script for now.\n";
            print "WARNING: do not trust the stats about man for now.\n";
} @todo_lang;

sub add_stat {
    my $new=shift;
    my $old=shift;
    return $new unless defined($old);
    $new =~ /([0-9]*)t([0-9]*)f([0-9]*)u/;
    my ($nt,$nf,$nu) = ($1||0, $2||0, $3||0);
    $old =~ /([0-9]*)t([0-9]*)f([0-9]*)u/;
    my ($ot,$of,$ou) = ($1||0, $2||0, $3||0);
    my $res= ($nt+$ot)."t".($nf+$of)."f".($nu+$ou)."u";
    #    print STDERR "$new + $old = $res\n";
    return $res;

sub output_percent {
    my $stats=shift||"";
    my $t = "0";
    my $u = "0";
    my $f = "0";
    my $percent;

    if ($stats =~ /([0-9]*)t/) {  $t=$1;  }
    if ($stats =~ /([0-9]*)u/) {  $u=$1;  }
    if ($stats =~ /([0-9]*)f/) {  $f=$1;  }
    $percent = calc_percent($t,$t+$u+$f);
    if ($percent eq "NaN" || $percent == 0) {
        return '';
    return "$percent\%";
sub output_details {
    my $stats = shift||"";
    my $t = "0";
    my $u = "0";
    my $f = "0";
    my $percent;

    if ($stats =~ /([0-9]*)t/) {  $t=$1;  }
    if ($stats =~ /([0-9]*)u/) {  $u=$1;  }
    if ($stats =~ /([0-9]*)f/) {  $f=$1;  }
    return ($t+$f+$u == 0 ? $stats : "$t/$f/$u");

sub calc_percent{
    my $up=shift;
    my $down=shift;
    my $res;

    if ($down==0) {
        return "NaN";
    $res = $up/$down*100;
    $res =~ s/^([0-9]*)\..*/$1/;
    return $res;

--- End Message ---

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Description: Digital signature

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