Il giorno lun, 21-02-2005 alle 21:57 +0100, Jens Nachtigall ha scritto:

> Nice to hear that there might be a solution at the horizon. afaik, 
> plone2 is in sarge now, so maybe you could do us translators a very big 
> favour and switch to that zope-common package mechanism. anyway, even a 
> package-variable would help much, since then each template would have 
> the same wording. Will you do one of these things within the next time 
> (ie the next 2, 3 weeks) as I could somehow read through your lines?

There is no zope-common package in Debian, yet. Matthias Klose is
working on it for Ubuntu and I don't know when his work will be included
in Debian (and I'm not sure it will be included in sarge, anyway).

However, be sure that in the next days I'll try to find a solution. 
Talk to you later,

Fabio Tranchitella               
Studio Tranchitella Assoc. Professionale
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