On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 07:36:51AM +0100, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Quoting Martin Quinson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 10:33:31AM +0100, Christian Perrier wrote:
> > >
> > > So, be very prudent and never ever tell the maintainer that his
> > > templates are "an horror"...:-)
> >
> > Mono maintainers are an exception here. Check #264922 and #256252. They are
> > morons.
> >
> > Which is why I didn't put the bug in the CC. I don't care about their 
> > advice.
> I'm afraid that reading the bugs logs doesn't give such
> impression. Maybe they're not highly motivated to fix the bugs you
> reported, or maybe they did some mistakes with them (closing one and
> say they would look at them later) or even say some things you may not
> agree with (m68k being prehistoric), but I indeed see no real reason
> to insult them.
> We cannot work against maintainers. Even when we don't agree with
> them, we have to find a way to work with them.
> "put some water in your wine", my dear Martin ? :-)
> (usual French expression meant to mean "temper a little bit"....which
> may mean a big effort just like really putting water in wine may require
> for a real French)

You're right. Writting catastrophic templates is not only maintainer fault.
Try to find a good documentation about it around is really chalenging. We
should work on it and propose patches to debconf manpages, for example. It's
on my todo, but I now need several pages to write it :(

What did really upset me was to refuse porting help while insulting the one
proposing help. But they are free of not wanting there soft working on
something else than x86 and ppc. If so, they're rather effective :)

I've no problem with the switch bugs still open, that's not the point.
Everyone has its own priorities, that's the whole open source thing.

I guess that I get bored by the endless work on debconf gettextization and a
bit over-reactive with the time.

Mea culpa.

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