Hi Fabio,

> I know that including all those templates in all my zope packages
> isn't the best solution, but my main goal was to include Plone 2 in
> sarge and I hadn't enough time to think about a better solution for
> translators.
> Now that the packages are available, I'm wondering about how to
> handle zope packaging and templates. I think that the best solution
> would be a zope-common package with default templates for zope
> packages.

Nice to hear that there might be a solution at the horizon. afaik, 
plone2 is in sarge now, so maybe you could do us translators a very big 
favour and switch to that zope-common package mechanism. anyway, even a 
package-variable would help much, since then each template would have 
the same wording. Will you do one of these things within the next time 
(ie the next 2, 3 weeks) as I could somehow read through your lines?

 otherwise I will go the way christian perrier has outline with a script 
(as each sane translator will probably do).

kind regards,


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