>>>>> "KM" == Keita Maehara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >> - The "synchronization" problem mentioned above.

    KM> This will never be avoided as far as we translate the
    KM> description.

However with centralized translations there are less synchronization
points (no back incorporation of translations, no waiting for several

    KM> If we use destrans-X.Y.Z.deb package or similar method, all of
    KM> the translation will go to the destrans-X.Y.Z.deb maintainer and
    KM> he have to do a (perhaps more) hard work.

Yes, it's more hard work for the translation maintainer, but it's less
work than sum of little work of all maintainers.  So it's more work
efficient in summary.  It needn't be more efficient in quality.

    KM> I understood that we cannot do a thing beyond the current
    KM> framework (but develop packages).

Well, so you say Debian is not a working project anymore?  I don't agree
but since it's about feelings, we can't conclude on this. :-)

Anyway, IMHO Packages translation is an important issue needed for
moving Debian in next directions.  So let's to solve it in some way.

Milan Zamazal

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