2008/3/28, Pierre THIERRY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Scribit Praveen A dies 28/03/2008 hora 07:52:
> > Can we go down to file based dependency instead on just package name,
>  > when the dependency is not satisfied?
> Then you have exactly the same issue at the file level...

No, not really.
>  If libfoobar2 is named libbarfoo3 elsewhere, searching for libfoobar2.so
>  will not yield anything, as the latter package will probably contain
>  libbarfoo2.so.
In that case we don't have the dependency.

AFAIT mbank was referring to names that distro packagers give, which
changes for each distros. The files itself won't change, only that the
exact package might defer. For example debian's pango package name is
'libpango1.0-0' where as it is just 'pango' for fedora. Also how the
package is split is also differ between distros. The individual
filenames is fixed by upstream projects and does not vary from distro
to distro.

But one issue with this approach is to have a database of all files
provided by each package. yum already does that and
packages.debian.org provides a way to query files inside packages and
so it should be doable for apt also.
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