2008/3/27, Michael Banck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 06:35:33PM +0530, AJISH B wrote:
>  > Please find more details in the link below
>  >
>  > http://www.bddebian.com/~wiki/hurd/running/gnu/universal_package_manager/
> In the above link, you describe how to mix .deb, .rpm, built-from-source
>  and other packages into something stow-like.  How do you address the
>  problem that some packages have different names in deb/rpm land and thus
>  something an rpm depends on might be unknown to Stow, e.g., because it
>  is has a slightly different name?  (Library packages come to mind here).

Can we go down to file based dependency instead on just package name,
when the dependency is not satisfied?

For eaxample package A depends on package B and we can't find package
B. Can we check the system for contents of package B and pass the
dependency as success if all the contents are present? And may be
cache this info as a virtual package B for future use.

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