Hi Arnaud and Mathias!

> Can we agree to update the Go team policy to follow this and default
> to 'debian/latest' going forward?
> There are <2000 packages in Debian that use the 'debian/sid' branch
> name, and out of these ~1300 are from the Go team. The Go team should
> not diverge from general Debian practices unless there is a proper
> cause. The current situation is only due to historical reasons.
> I have to disagree with how you frame it. debian/latest is NOT "general 
> Debian practices". It's merely one of the possible default branch names that 
> is proposed in DEP-14, and it's not widely used in Debian at the moment [1]. 
> As we can see on debian-devel [2], lots of push back and different opinions 
> on what's the best name for the packaging branch.
> And as far as DEP-14 goes, debian/sid is a very valid name, so the Go team is 
> already following DEP-14 best practices here.
> Therefore I object to changing the default branch name at this moment. If a 
> project-wide consensus emerges in the future, we might revisit this 
> discussion.

Thanks for sharing your views.

What comes to DEP-14 and timelines, do you agree that debian/sid
predated the 2020 version of DEP-14 and the two options it now
recommends are debian/latest and is some situations debian/unstable? I
did not invent 'debian/latest' myself, I am merely raising discussion
that since the Go team guide originally referred to DEP-14, it might
be time to update it to match new version. Also my email on
debian-devel@ explicitly solicits feedback _against_ 'debian/latest',
so of course it will be dominated by views against it. I feel your
line of argumentation is very defensive of status quo. It would be
interesting to hear your view purely on what you would think the
optimal branch scheme would be on it's own merits. I took checked
quickly the packages you most recently contributed to (rebuildd,
dput-ng, fierce, schroot, cadaver, wafwoof) they all seem to use
either 'master' or 'debian/master' as the branch. Based on a small and
possibly skewed sample you aren't using 'debian/sid' outside of the Go

What would you then think of a policy that people can choose what
branch name they want to use, as long as the git HEAD is maintained to
always point to the Debian branch? There was several comments
regarding the team policy discussion stating general distrust towards
having policies. Could an option here be to update the Go team policy
to say that a package can use any branch name in DEP-14?

I would also be keen on hearing your (both Arnaud and Mathias) view on
the other points. Would you mind reading the "Proposing 2025 workflow
changes for Go team" and sharing your views on the other points so I
can make an updated proposal that incorporates your feedback, and all
the other feedback that are likely to drip in in the coming days.

> It's difficult to have a peaceful discussion when the change being discussed 
> was pushed out on the team already.

This is not true. I suspect you are having this sentiment because
Guillem's communication style is confrontational and dishonest, and
you entered the discussion having read only his false accusations.

I invite you to skim throught the mailing list history since September
and look at the MRs and PRs:


I have been raising ideas on the mailing list for discussion, provided
examples, promised to do my part in the implementation, listened and
responded to all who shared their views etc.

On Dec 8th I specifically raised on the mailing list the question on
how decisions in the Go team work and got advice (thanks Nilesh) on
who are the stakeholders
Unfortunately none of them have replied to any emails. I have sent
several emails to Anthony Fok who seems to have been the main
maintainer for the team tools in past years, but unfortunately he
hasn't responded either. If people are missing then the remaining
volunteers need to try do their part, and I have diligently done.

I have waited a long time, just like is best practice in Debian. Some
of the comments of "only in software companies" don't feel correct
here. The Go team already has a policy, and it was to my knowledge a
volunteer team when the policy was made Updating it every 5 years is
fully feasible for a volunteer group like us and not something only
software companies can do.

I published the proposal or the proposal as an MR, and revised it
based on feedback in both the MR and on the mailing list. Putting out
the proposal now was a perfectly fair and proper course of action to
get more visibility and solicit more feedback.

I would love to hear more views. Please Arnaud and Mathias participate
in the mailing list discussions so we can proceed productively.

I know from experience that following mailing lists can be boring and
is away from actual packaging work, but these workflow discussions are
not useless, but on the contrary the foundation for collaboration,
necessity to attract new contributors and ultimately a major factor in
how useful our volunteer time can be.

To quote https://michael.stapelberg.ch/posts/2019-03-10-debian-winding-down/

> Personally, I cannot keep enough details of the different workflows in my 
> head. Every time I touch a package that
> works differently than mine, it frustrates me immensely to re-learn aspects 
> of my day-to-day.
> After noticing workflow fragmentation in the Go packaging team (which I 
> started), I tried fixing this with the workflow
> changes proposal, but did not succeed in implementing it. The lack of 
> effective automation and slow pace of changes
> in the surrounding tooling despite my willingness to contribute time and 
> energy killed any motivation I had.

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