so, here are my two cents:
I am fine with dh-make-golang introducing something new.
I agree that it might be nice to change branch names when packages get
an update. I wouldn't like this to become mandatory.
I am afraid I have no time nor motivation to update old packages just
due to this workflow changes. But I won't object if anybody else will do
If pristine-tar is considered fine, why doesn't it appear in gbp.conf
from 1.1? Otherwise: ok
I don't like the one space indentation of Depends:, it makes the file
just a bunch of characters. I would like to see the dependencies at
first sight and not search for them, so from my point of view an
indentation of at least four spaces would be better.
I am against making this mandatory. It just slows down things.
As we have to share Salsa between all DDs, I am against making this
mandatory. It just slows down things even more.
yes, everything we agree on should be the default in dh-make-golang
What extra work is avoided when doing code reviews before an upload
compared to code reviews after an upload?
There have been numerous discussions about reviewing something.
Everything started with great enthusiasm and many arguments were found
in favour of such reviews. After a while people recognized that this is
a boring work and disappeared again. The remaining people got buried
under the workload and finally the reviewing process stopped. I don't
see that this should be different here ...