On Fri, Jun 03, 2022 at 05:03:29PM +0200, Martin Dosch wrote:
> in order to package newer go-sendxmpp [1] versions I need to package
> gopenpgp [2]. To package gopenpgp I need to package go-mime [3] and update
> go-crypto [4].

I intended to reply to you earlier but simply forgot, sorry.
I am also willing to sponsor your RFS, but not with breaking packages, see 

> The problem I am facing is: Updating go-crypto breaks go-pgpmail [5]. I
> created an issue upstream [6] and
> it seems that it's just an issue with it's
> tests.

I read the github issue. It seems so.
But I am not 100% sure if it really is tests - we can only know once we decrypt
this in the test code and check back.
I am (virtually) maintaining pgp mail since the
maintainer is inactive, and pgpmail is used for aerc.
It'd be a problem if it is not just the tests.

> What would be the way to solve this?
> - Wait until upstream (or someone else who is able to; I am not) fixes   the
> tests


> - Just ignore the failing tests and update go-crypto

Please never break other's packages.
However if you are sure it is just the tests, we can skip them.

> - Provide two different versions of go-crypto until the problem is   solved

Too much mess -- no, IMO.

> another thing that might be worth to consider: Should an issue regarding this
> topic be created for golang-github-emersion-go-pgpmail in the debian issue 
> tracker? 

Yeah, but it probably would be as good as your initial email.

> [1] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/go-sendxmpp
> [2] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1012151
> [3] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1009348
> [4] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/golang-github-protonmail-go-crypto
> [5] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/golang-github-emersion-go-pgpmail
> [6] https://github.com/emersion/go-pgpmail/issues/12


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