Am 30.06.21 um 22:33 schrieb Nilesh Patra:

On 7/1/21 1:45 AM, Peymaneh Nejad wrote:


I have packaged[1] which would be a B-D for 

I think it is mostly done only that there is some confusing statements on the 
various licenses of the project[2] that needs to be clarified. I have contacted 
upstream about that.

A review would be nice anyway as this might take some while and there might be 
other issues with the package that I could take care of until then.

Probably rather than doing this[1] you could simply exclude it in d/gbp.conf -- 
see this[2] as an example

Makes sense.
Just to be sure: Since the tag for the current release already exists, I would need to delete the last commit on upstream branch and its tag, run `gbp import-orig ../upstream-release-tar-file..`, and force push to upstream?

I admit, I didn't do an exhaustive review, just skimmed through and looks good.

I think I'd like to defer reviewing work for this to mejo or georg. @mejo if 
you have some free cycles? :-)

A comment on the d/rules file: To avoid the circular dependency with 
golang-github-zmap-zcertificate function verifier/graph.go needs to be excluded. I 
excluded the hole package verifier/ from build because (1) I wouldn't find a regex to 
exclude only verifier/graph.go, (2) the verifier/ is not needed for zcertificate and (3) 
because I wasn't sure if it wouldn't kind of "break" the package anyway if 
parts of it were missing.

That makes perfect sense. Maybe we can just keep excluding this even at later 
stage (and not create circular build deps)
If it is not useful, not an issue

Sounds good :)

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