I have packaged github.com/zmap/zcrypto[1] which would be a B-D for golang-github-zmap-zcertificate[2].
I think it is mostly done only that there is some confusing statements on the various licenses of the project[2] that needs to be clarified. I have contacted upstream about that.
A review would be nice anyway as this might take some while and there might be other issues with the package that I could take care of until then.
A comment on the d/rules file: To avoid the circular dependency with golang-github-zmap-zcertificate function verifier/graph.go needs to be excluded. I excluded the hole package verifier/ from build because (1) I wouldn't find a regex to exclude only verifier/graph.go, (2) the verifier/ is not needed for zcertificate and (3) because I wasn't sure if it wouldn't kind of "break" the package anyway if parts of it were missing.
Peymaneh [1] https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/golang-github-zmap-zcrypto [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-go/2021/06/msg00072.html[2] https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/golang-github-zmap-zcrypto/-/blob/debian/sid/debian/copyright#L49
Description: OpenPGP digital signature