Hi there,

On Sunday, 27. November 2011, Jan Dittberner wrote:
> I think it would be nice to have a booth like we had this year. I'm
> planning to attend the event and would volunteer to contact the CLT
> people if there is no one else who has more experience with such
> events and wants to take this task.

after talking with Jan I filled out the registration formular as I had all the 
stuff in my inbox from last year. We are waiting for an aprovement now and 
I'll keep you in the loop.

> We need at least two people at the booth all the time (should be no
> problem if we have the same volunteer density we had this year).

If you plan to attend and want to get registered officially as an exhibitors, 
please get in touch with me. 
There are usualy a couple of sponsored tickets available by the host for the 
event, social evening and indoor camping. If you think you need ask for such a 
ticket, please leave me a note in this issue, I'll have a look at it and try 
to make decisions on your requirements.
As soon as I have knowledge about the costs for "unsponsored" exhibitor 
tickets, I'll hint you.

> To apply we also need an abstract project description. Dear press team
> do you have something ready to use?

As the event is not such an international, but mostly crowded with german 
language based visitors, I just recycled the one from last year (we don't have 
released until :).

Jan was also so kind and created a new wiki site[1] for the event and I just 
added some more informations, please have a look at it, if you plan to attend.

Cheers, Jan.
[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEventsDe/2012/ChemnitzerLinuxTage2012
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