On 10313 March 1977, Martin Schulze wrote:

>> (Yes Joey, I know that you hate the reference to the Sarge, but guess
>> how the release on that thing is called? :) ).
> I don't mind the reference to Sarge.  I do mind a militaristic
> design with soldiers.  That reminds me much to much of a certain
> country invading another for weapons they haven't found a trace
> of years after.  I don't want to support *that*.

Its a plastic thing *without* any weapon, guess what Toy Story
contains... Yes, a plastic soldier. :)

bye Joerg
"[...] und der Arbeitsspeicher recht schnell und hoch ist."
(Wie hoch? 2cm, 4cm? Am besten an die Decke nageln, was?

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