
Me and Joost van Baal will manage a Debian booth at this
free software event:

  Free Software Bazaar
  September 29, 2004, 6:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
  RAI Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Our booth will be alongside the Agnula project booth, since
this project is a Debian sub-project. Richard Stallman will
also be attending the FSB event. This event is now also listed
on the Debian events page: http://www.debian.org/events/

I want to request some Debian booth materials, before we start
producing our own stock (with our limited time):
- Posters (very much needed)
- Flyers
- Pins
- Stickers (white/transparent)
- T-shirts (we can produce these ourselves, since we have a Debian
  print-mask, but if we could have some left-overs that would be
- CD's (Woody, Knoppix, Sarge-beta, whatever)
  We will receive some Knoppix DVD's from Joerg Jaspert, so that
  is cool.
- Some other Debian stuff perhaps?

We don't need a lot, since this is a small event, but some goodies
are very much appreciated. The profit from the event will go to the
Debian project. If anyone wants to help support the booth you're
welcome to join us.


Jama Poulsen

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