Good morning,

till now I have contacted and got a number from:
- Credativ
- Trustsec
- Univention
- Lehmanns Fachbuchhandlung

I have contacted and promises from:
- LinuxLand
- lt-ec

I got a refusal from:
- Springer (told me, that they don't like to sponsor us, since they are
  selling our CD set)

Since we have a quite generous sponsor and got a good contact to
Molecular Computer, who made a very good offer, we are currently planning
to get 6500 DVDs. Well, we will have to give some of the DVDs to the
sponsors, don't know exactly how much will be left for us, but I think,
we will have more than last year.

If you know someone, whome I forgot, please tell me ASAP.
Especially since the LinuxTag ist the biggest event in europe, some
foreign companies, whome I don't know, might be interessted.

Gaudenz: Thanks for your hints, we will try to base on your work, and
get a dualboot powerpc/i386 image running.

Others: Please test Gaudenz image if it boots on
all machines.

Most probaly we will get DVD-5 with four colour printed cardboard
envelopes and four colour printed disc-label.

Yours sincerely,

PS: Logos are on their way to Lennart, for cover design.

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